Powerlifting Records compiled by statistician Michael Soong. To view Michael Soong's entire book of All-Time Records and Rankings, please go here and . Come da disposizione della Federazione .
Date ↓, Recor Result, Name, Nation, Location, State. Vengono, inoltre pubblicati i Record Italiani di Powerlifting aggiornati fino alle seguenti competizioni:Campionato Italiano di Powerlifting del ottobre di Vercelli . M sen DL c66kg, Nghiep Luu, AUS, 271. Here are some All-Time Powerlifting World Records along with a few other videos of contested lifts thrown in for good measure.
Powerlifting is a strength sport that consists of three attempts at maximal weight on three lifts:. The IPF rules system did not exist yet, nor had world records been established. Because of the lack of formalized rules some disputes occurred.
The EPF has worked out standards for setting European records in the new weight categories. The European standards are about lower than the World .
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