Tart (born 1937) is an American psychologist and parapsychologist known for his psychological work on the nature of consciousness as one of the . Tart Official Home Page and Consciousness Library. Tart has been involved with research and theory in the fields of Hypnosis, Psychology, Transpersonal Psychology, Parapsychology, .
Tart: informazioni sull'autore, la nostra selezione di libri di Charles T. Coscienza: un approccio psicologico, transpersonale e parapsicologico (Charles T. Tart). E' stato a lungo di moda parlare dell'umanita' come di una specie . Stati di coscienza è un libro di Charles T.
Tart pubblicato da Astrolabio Ubaldini nella collana Psiche e coscienza: acquista su IBS a 16. Tart Page and shop for all Charles T. See search for author Charles T. His books include two classics, Altered States . Charles Tart A parapsychologist with a Ph. University of North Carolina, 1963), known for his work on lucid dreams, astral . Tart, Ph is one of the founders of the field of transpersonal psychology. He has had more than 2articles published in professional journals and .
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